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Before Sementis…
The company behind the Sementis industrial business is Althode. It was created in 2017 at the same time as the J’aime mes dents! brand. The original idea was to offer natural toothbrushes on a subscription basis. The idea? To enable French people to change their toothbrushes more regularly, and thus follow the recommendations of the UFSBD, without increasing the number of virgin plastic products on the market.
As of 2017, the aim is to manufacture as locally as possible! The problem: no manufacturer in France or Europe offers wood… The only solution: turn to Asia, where bamboo grows… and where over 95% of the 200 million toothbrushes sold in France are made.
After several months/years of research, we finally succeeded in finding European partners (Switzerland and Italy) for the manufacture of the toothbrushes, but we wanted to go even further in these areas…
Alongside all this, we’ve built up a real range of bathroom products and accessories that we manufacture or have manufactured by recognised, quality partners, 85% of them French (the remaining 15% European).
With 5 years’ experience in eco-responsible bathroom products under their belts, Alexis Godicheau and Thomas Jeanvret have set themselves a new challenge: to develop a new business to help companies develop their range of accessories that are good for the planet and good for their customers.
The next adventure
Today, Sementis supports cosmetics/hygiene brands and laboratories in the design and manufacture of their own range of eco-responsible and local bathroom objects and accessories.
A revolution is underway among many brands, who are reviewing their entire range of cosmetics/hygiene/cleaning products. Their quest is for more local, healthier production (for themselves and the planet), limiting waste and the use of single-use plastic.
Thanks to its multi-disciplinary team, Sementis is part of this approach for the accessories accompanying these new ranges, starting with the toothbrush.
In October 2022, Sementis acquired the second state-of-the-art toothbrush production facility in France. Drawing on its experience, the team wanted to offer a complete range to meet the needs of today’s cosmetics brands and laboratories: adaptability, responsiveness and customisation are all on the agenda.